The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ into this world was not by accident; rather it was predetermined by God because God in his omniscience knew that man would certainly need him. He came for our own benefit and not for our harm as some are wont to believe.
Why did he come?
1. He came to give us Salvation: This is the primary reason he came – in order to save us from the power of sin and death which came into our lives as a result of disobedience by Adam and Eve. (Matt1:21; Acts 4:12; John 1:12; Acts 10:43 & Lk. 19:9)
2. To reconcile us to God: we were separated from God from the day we sinned against him; but Jesus came that we might be reconciled back to him (2 Cor.5:18-19; Rom.5:10; Eph.2:16)
3. To give us Rest: Jesus understood we have been weighed down by so much worries, anxiety, burdens, struggles, life challenges, etc and he came to give us rest from these problems (Matt11:28)
4. To heal our diseases: Record has it that divers manners of diseases were brought to him and he healed them. Sicknesses, diseases, afflictions ruled over us before his coming, but when he came he delivered us from their grips (Matt 12:22; Matt.8:2-3; Isaiah 53:5)
5. In order to make us rich: For our sake he became poor that we might be rich. His coming has brought to us freedom from poverty; we no longer have any reason to be poor (2 Cor.8:9)
6. To teach us: He came to teach us what we did not know or understand. He came to teach us humility (Phil. 2:5-8), how to pray (Luke 11:1-13), how to evangelize the world for God (Matt 4:23), etc
7. He came to destroy the works of the devil: The Devil held so many of God’s children captive and led them into all kinds of wickedness – stealing, lying, ritual killings, theft, disobedience, and plagued them with diseases as well; but Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil in our lives (1 John 3:8; Luke 10:19)
8. To give us freedom/Liberty: Our freedom was systematically taken away from us by the fall of our first parents. When Jesus came he restored our freedom and liberty back to us (Luke 4:18)
9. To open our eyes: ‘Our eyes’ here does not only refer to physical blindness but also to spiritual blindness as well. Jesus came that our physical and spiritual eyes might be opened (Luke 4:18; Isaiah 42:7)
10. To give us God’s kingdom: he came to prepare us for the kingdom he has been building for us and to hand over the kingdom to us (Matt 16:19; John 14:1-3). He also came to preach God’s kingdom in order to make us know our final destination (Luke 4:43).
If you have not given your life to him there is need for you to do so now because he has come for your own good and delaying your salvation could be dangerous. Just confess your sins to him and ask him to forgive you today. He is a merciful King and would forgive as many as come to him in repentance.
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