
Monday, October 25, 2010

The Role Women Play in Christian Society

Posted by Efoghor Joseph Ezie on 10/25/2010 02:28:00 PM

Women have different roles to play in the Christian society. Like their male counterparts, their contributions are necessary for the growth and for the proper functioning of the Christian society.

The duties they perform cannot be overemphasized. During the period of Christ, in the apostolic era and in this very dispensation, they continue to play special roles to advance Christianity; though the duties have slightly changed within these periods.

Some of the special roles they play therefore include but are not limited to the following:
1. Pastoral support: It is significant to note that during Christ’s time, women played the roles of supporters (ministers) who were always around to provide special cares for the needs of the pastor (Christ) and his Apostles. Among these women were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James; Joanna, etc. Women still take care of the pastors today. Some play this role as deaconesses.

2. Marriage counselors: One other role they play is that of a marriage counselor. The bible says the older women should teach the younger ones how to obey their husbands. Matured women who are versed in the word of God perform the duties of marriage counselors and help the younger ones to set their marriages in order, and help prevent marital conflicts and divorce.

3. Care of the widows: They also help to take care of the widows, needy and orphans. Dorcas was a good example of women who performed this wonderful role.

4. Pastors: Some denominations allow their women to perform the duties of a pastor. They are allowed to preach on the pulpit and also perform other duties associated with the position of the pastor.

5. Sunday school teachers: They also teach in the Sunday schools in order to help the new female converts and the young singles (spinsters) to grow. They teach the new converts the doctrine of the church, scriptures and other things they deem necessary for their spiritual growth and well-being.

6. Choir leaders: They can also play the role of choir leaders. This was the role that was performed by Miriam, Moses’ sister during their journey through the wilderness. So many of them are still doing well performing this duty today.

Other roles they perform include: ushering, intercessory prayers, child rearing, etc. they should be given their right place and their due respect because Christianity cannot be complete without them being there to play their special roles.

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