God is very reliable and trust worthy: When he says a thing or makes a promise, he brings it to pass. This has made his children to keep trusting him and depending on him always. However, there are things that he is incapable of doing just because they are not in his nature to do so.
Some of the things God can never do include:
1.Lie: God’s word is always true. When he says a word, it can be verified anywhere and found to always be true. It is impossible for him to lie, because he is not a man that could lie. He ceases to be God the day he lies. Check his word; everything he said has remained true for generations and will still remain true for generations to come, because truth is constant. (Num. 23:19, Ps 89:35, Tim 1:2; Heb 6:18)
2.Sleep: Everyone sleeps: even the security men sleep. But God’s watchful eyes are always open to keep watch over our lives. He does not sleep, neither does he slumber. He can never be taken unawares by events or things. His security network can never be porous. He is awake 24 hours of the day, 7 days of the week, 4 weeks of the month, 12 month of the year and 52 weeks of each leap year. His eyes never grow heavy with sleep: he is always alert (Ps 121:3-4
3.Forsake his children: he cannot disappoint his children that put their trust in him. Though he works according to his plans or timetables, He does not disappoint (Ps 22:5)
4.Change: God does not change. Events may change, circumstances may change, but he remains the same. Nothing can ever make him to change his nature- His love, mercy, compassion, might, etc. (Matt 3:6; Heb 1:12; 13:8; Rev 1:4). He remains the same yesterday, today and forever.
5.Fail: people may fail you; friends may fail, family members may fail you, but God never fails. He is always there by you; he is always there to keep his promises. Sometimes your education, wealth, power and influence may all fail you: it is only God that never fails. He is ever reliable (Deut 31:16; 1Chr. 28:20; Heb 13:5; 1pet 4:19).
6.Repent: God is the final judge of all things: when he does a thing, he does it from his conviction that it is the best thing to do. He never repents after making a decision or doing a thing. Everything he does is right (Eze. 24:14).
So you can depend on him for your protection, care, love, etc, because he is very reliable. Knowing the fact that he does not change means that you can expect him to do for you the same thing he did in the Abrahamic, Mosaic or the Apostolic times.
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