The question as to whether the lord Jesus would return has remained both interesting, controversial and of great concern. A lot of people now believe that his return is no longer feasible; some others feel it is only a story fabricated to make them remain faithful to the lord. However, some who understand the word of God are sure of his return.
The Bible says in the book of Acts1:9-11, that the same Jesus which is taken up from us into heaven, shall in the same manner come back. When he comes back, all eyes shall see him (Luke 21:27)
Who is he coming for?
The word of God makes us to understand that Jesus’ coming would be to take his chosen ones, so they would go and dwell with him forever in the place he has prepared for them John14:4; 1Thes.4:16-17). The use of the word ‘the dead in Christ’ implies those who served Christ before their death would rise first. Apart from the dead, those who belong to him and are still alive by the time of his second coming would also be taken.
Why would he come?
There are several reasons why he would come again, some of which include:
1.To judge the world: The book of Rev.20:12 says that books would be opened through which judgment would be delivered to the dead. Any body whose name is not found in the book of life shall be condemned in the lake of fire.
2.To reward his followers: Jesus Christ said “And behold, I come quickly and my reward is with me, to give everyman according as his work shall be: Rev.22:12 (KJV). Every man who has worked for God expects one reward or the other, and the coming of our lord Jesus is to ensure that those who have worked for God are duly rewarded.
3.To decorate us: Jesus has designed for us different kinds of crowns and ornaments that would be used to decorate those who had worked for him, endured temptations here on earth and had remained faithful to him. It shall be more of a decoration event when he comes. (2Tim.4:8, James1:12, 1Peter5:4, Rev.2:10).
4.To take us into his kingdom: His coming would also be to take us into his kingdom where we shall dwell with him forever. 1Tim.4:14-17
When will he come?
The bible says that no one knows when the lord Jesus Christ will come back, but one thing is certain; Jesus will one day come back for his people. (Matt.24:36, 42-44). We must therefore be fully prepared since we do not know when he would return. We must depart from sins and iniquities, so that they won’t deprive us the opportunity to enter heaven.
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